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When you get that notion, put your backfield in motion

Officially a Mom

Putting that Backfield in Motion since 2003

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Goose bag

I have called Grace "Goose" since she was about a month old. I don't know why. She is not especially goose-like but for some reason it fit. So in keeping with my obsession of all names "G", Grace became Goose, Goosers, and Goose-a-roni.

Gavin has always called Grace "baby". He knows she is Grace and Goose but up until a few weeks ago, he has been unable to verbally express any other name for her than "baby". He can now say Grace but it comes out as "Face" and he can now say Goose but it comes out as "Douche".


Yes, Douche.

I told my neighbors last night at our little fourth of July shindig that Gavin says Goose as "Douche". Being the responsible, adult, and only slightly inebriated pillars of society that we are, we had to ask Gavin to say Goose.

"Hey Gavin! Gavin! Say Goose! Say Goose, Gavin"


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

"Say Goose, Gavin!"


"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee"

Finally, my brilliant- and only slightly inebriated- neighbor came up with a fabulous idea!

"Hey, Gavin. Say Goose bag."


"Ha ha hee hee ha ha ha ha hee hee hee ha ha"

This went on for hours and culminated in referring to another person as a "goose bag" as being the ultimate insult of the night.

We really should hire a babysitter when we get together for these neighborhood family functions.


Blogger karrie said...

Oh. my. goodness!

If you ask him to say Douche, will he say Goose? Too much fun.....

7:19 PM  
Blogger Amanda. said...


I haven't tried that but it will definitely be on my list of things to do tomorrow!

9:12 PM  

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