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When you get that notion, put your backfield in motion

Officially a Mom

Putting that Backfield in Motion since 2003

Friday, August 11, 2006

Baby meets world

Do you remember the episode of Boy Meets World when Cory and Topenga want to call a "stop time"? I think it was when Topenga was about to move away from Cory in Philadelphia to Pittsbugh. They were enjoying their last minutes of puppy love together and they wished they could call a "stop time" and make the moment they were in last forever.

What? You didn't watch Boy Meets World? You were too cool for Boy Meets World? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Let me get two things straight:

1. No one is too cool for Boy Meets World.

2. No one is too cool for Boy Meets World.

I loved me some ABC's TGIF back in the day. In college, we would sit around and watch the ABC line-up of teeny bopper sitcoms while slamming Natural (Natty) Lights and getting ready for a night on the town. We were way too cool to show up at the bars before 10:00, we were all broke so it was a chance to drink cheap booze before paying $4 for watered down draft, and let's face it, TGIF ruled.

Plus, my unrequited love interest, "C", bore a strinking resemblance to Cory and watching the show made me all giggly googly. Now I'll readily admit that THAT was not cool.

Anyhoo, the short story long is that the Goose took her FIRST STEPS today.

Per the husband, she took four steps while I was at work (but those don't count since I wasn't there to witness them first hand) and the she took another couple of steps while I was on the floor playing with her and the Gavinator.

Cory and Topenga, I am so feeling you right now.

I'd like to call a "stop time".


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, girlfriend! Be sure to give me ALL the juicy details when we walk next time:)
Anonymous.. yeah, you figure it out! Ha HA!

10:50 PM  

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