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When you get that notion, put your backfield in motion

Officially a Mom

Putting that Backfield in Motion since 2003

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Rearview Memories

On the way to work

Every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, I take the kids to work with me. A few minutes before 8 am, in the parking lot across from the hospital, we meet the husband who is just getting off of work. We do the whole switch-a-roo thing; he parks my car, I get into the passenger seat, and then he drops me off in front of the hospital where sometimes long, tearful farewells ensue. Usually the tears aren’t because the kiddos have to say goodbye to me but because they want to come inside with me and eat and play.

It’s hard for me to be a working mom. I do it because I have to not because I want to. I do absolutely love my job (how could I not? I get to eat and play all day!) so that makes it better but in a perfect world, I would be at home with my babes instead of doing early morning changing of the guards with their daddy before spending 9 hours away from them.

Although mornings are hectic, I enjoy our drives together. It’s uninterrupted time with just the three of us and it is really such an important part of my day. It takes about 20 minutes to get to work and during that time the kids eat a snack and we listen to music (and by music, I mean The Garden State soundtrack… and by soundtrack, I mean songs 1, 2 and 4… any deviation results in the Gavinator screaming his head off and kicking the back of my seat… which then results in me being HAPPY to go to work) and we do little dances in our seats.

The kids LOVE to dance and they wiggle as much as their carseats will allow and bounce their legs in time to the music while swaying their heads back and forth. They always make each other laugh. Much to the delight of other drivers, I join in with the dancing at the red lights. Some of my favorite memories have been captured by looking in the rearview mirror on my way to work.

It’s the little things.

Happy Love Thursday.

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Blogger Wendy said...

Happy Love Thursday!!!!

What a sweet one. I swear you are one of the parents I need to be more like.

11:31 AM  
Blogger Dee said...

Your drives sound about like my drives to day care and back. Only we listen to Laurie Berkner and sing and dance in our seats. I get fussed at if I don't turn it on the second the car starts up. That time sure does make for some good memories!

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear ya about wanting to stay home with the babes, but needing to work. Great job finding creative ways to make quality time work, no matter where you are!!

12:36 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I always loved the drive time with my kids too. As they got older it was the only time that my oldest son would really talk to me--there wasn't much else distracting him, and he actually listened and responded to my questions! We're Laurie Berner fans, but I always try to start with conversation time until I get requests for music. Sometimes it works...
Courage to you as you do what's best for your family--the kids will turn out great! Thanks for sharing the memory, and Happy Love Thursday!

4:51 PM  
Blogger Maria said...

We tag team parent too.

1:29 AM  

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