I posted a picture over the weekend on Flickr of me in a brand, spankin' new pair of Victoria's Secret panties and it has started a pretty interesting discussion amongst a couple of us regarding the potential effects of scantily clad mothers on Flickr on their children.
First of all, while I recognize that a photograph of a woman in lacy panties is going to be deemed "sexy", a sexy pic was not my sole intent with that photograph. I thought it was a well composed shot with all the lines on the underwear, curtain, and door and I loved the lighting on both hips. When I saw the photo was immediately a crotch shot and nothing more to those who viewed it, I decided to not make it my 365 day photo and instead went with the family-oriented shot of the Gavinator, Goose, and I vacuuming. The whole point of doing 365 is to daily try and capture my life- from the mundane to the monumental- and a crotch shot does not fall into that category. I see the photograph differently. It was more than that.... to me, anyway. Anyhoo, I can't control the way other people interpret my photos and I wouldn't want to.
I am a woman. I didn't stop being a woman when I got pregnant or gave birth or breastfed. If anything, all of those things make me MORE of a woman. I see nothing wrong with tastefully done photographs of the female form and (shock, gasp) my chidlren see me in my underwear all the time so what difference does it make if there is a tastefully done picture of it? My kids know that mommy is a girl, breasts are for breastfeeding, and if you're potty-trained, you wear underwear. End of story. As I said over on Flickr, unless photos of me that others may or may not find "sexay" halts the production of Cheerios, I don't think my kids will care... not now... not ever... and I certainly don't believe they will be harmed in some way.
What do you think?
Labels: musings, photography